Recipe for Radical Change (Part 1)

Just then His disciples came back. They marveled that He was talking with a woman, but no one said, "What do you seek?" or, "Why are you talking with her?" – John 4:27, ESV

July 29, 1981, I awoke at 4AM in Jacksonville, FL to watch with much of the world Lady Diana Spencer become a princess.  Her whole life radically changed on that day.  She was a wealthy aristocrat with average grades from a broken home transformed to a real princess with purpose and a prince!  When I saw 25 feet of ivory silk spill out of a horse-drawn carriage, I was hooked.  

I followed her closely for years dreaming perhaps I could transform into a lovely swan from the ugly duckling I felt as a girl.  However, her prince was unfaithful, and her personal pain from childhood deepened through her adult years despite hair color, counselors, personal trainers, personal and domestic staff support  and the finest clothes that can be crafted.  The world’s offering of transformation ended in tragedy.

What does the Bible teach us about New Beginnings that last?

First, we need to ACKNOWLEDGE Jesus.  In John 4:26 Jesus is sitting by a well waiting for His disciples to return with food.  Then HE speaks first (verse 7) to a woman who had arrived at the well.

How does Jesus Speak?
  •  Privately – Jesus spoke to the Samaritan woman when she was alone after disciples departed to pursue food.
  • Personally – Jesus chose direct route thru Samaria rather than the typical route around Samaria because He had a divine appointment with this woman.
  • Passionately – v. 13/14 Jesus offers her a gift like no other –Living Water

This woman experienced a new beginning because she listened to the message Jesus had specifically for her.

What about you?  Are you listening daily to Jesus’ message thru spending time in His word? 

Are we spending so much time parenting, working, exercising, chauffeuring kids, going to church, pursuing hobbies that we are not acknowledging He is waiting to meet with us!

Make the time TODAY.  He’s waiting to speak to you privately, personally and passionately. 

Next time, I'll share what scripture teaches about how we ADJUST our schedule to experience a Jesus encounter.


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