LOVE is NOT the Answer

"Now King Solomon loved many foreign women, along with the daughter of Pharaoh:  Moabite, Ammonite, Edomite, Sidonian and Hittite women" -- 1 Kings 11:1 ESV

Love is certainly a perplexing issue.  Love and marriage have moved from small screen exploitation all the way to a political and judicial explosion of opinion.  And what does God's word say...about Love, Marriage?  Who is right?  There are God-fearing believers who use the same scripture to "discuss" very different opinions.  It need not be said that I am not a theological authority, but I do read God's word to understand more of the nature and character of God in expectation that HE will use HIS word to mold me into more of HIS nature and character.

Currently I am studying 1 Kings.  I wanted to know more about Elijah, but who knew Elijah doesn't appear until 1 Kings 17!  Alas, I digress.

Solomon loved.  How interesting, I thought.  Surely this love must be an inappropriate love. I mean how appropriate can it be to have 700 WIVES and 300 concubines? So, I looked up the Hebrew word for “loved” used in this verse.  Here are a few other verses (of many) where the SAME HEBREW WORD for loved was used:
  • Isaac loved Rebekah - Gen 24:67
  • Jacob loved Joseph more than all other sons - Genesis 37:3
  • God so loved the world - John 3:16
  • This is love...but HE loved us and sent HIS Son - 1 John 4:10
  • Make them know I [GOD] have loved you - Revelation 3:9

That was NOT what I expected.  Solomon's love for these women, all 700 plus 300 concubines (v.3) was a beautiful, honorable love.  It was as the priest said in the movie The Princess Bride, "Wuve, Twoo Wuve". Solomon's feelings seem, to me, to appear not borne of lust or rebellion, but genuine, authentic...LOVE.  He loved them...ALL.

There was but one problem.

     The LORD said...

What exactly did the Lord say? To the people of Israel, "you shall not enter into marriage with them, neither shall they with you...." - 1 Kings 11:2 and in case Solomon, His child, opted to protest, God even explained why…

“for they will surely turn your heart away after their gods.” – 1 Kings 11:2

Where I struggle is that I imagine the Moabite, Ammonite, Edomite, Sidonian and Hittite folks weren’t all “bad” as you and I think of “bad”.  Some could have been nice neighbors – kept their yard tidy, brought in their garbage cans timely, had a spare cup of sugar in a baking crisis.  Perhaps some were solid coworkers – helpful when you’re out sick, brings your papers from the printer, arrive to work and meetings on time, even willing to stay late to help on your project.  But at the end of the day, God knew a relationship with any of these citizens would divide Solomon’s devotion to HIM. 

And isn’t that our goal? As scripture says in Deuteronomy 6, Matthew 22 AND Mark 12…

 “love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.

And by loving Him at times we will need make choices as HE directs rather than as WE prefer and desire.  Oh dear one, His “limits” are not to restrict but to expand our freedom.  How rich would Solomon’s marriage have been had he stuck with God’s plan for marriage.  Indeed 1 Kings 11:3 tells the result of Solomon choosing his own desires:

“his heart was not wholly devoted to the LORD His God.” – 1 Kings 11:3

What about us? What relationship are we desiring that God’s word explicitly states will cause us to withdraw from HIM?  And it’s not just relationships, but habits; activities; hobbies. 

So today, no matter the cost, choose GOD with your whole heart.  Solomon’s choice cost him and future generations the kingdom.

What will your desires cost you?

Blessings, N


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