This week in...Mark 6:25-7:8

Here's some application questions to consider as we H.E.A.R. (Highlight Explain Apply and Respond) to a daily passage of scripture:

Day 1 Read Mark 6:25-29 Consider - What area of my life do I feel great pressure to please?  Who am I allowing to influence my long-held feelings, beliefs or convictions? Have I considered how to respond when I am pressured to please others beyond my beliefs?

Day 2 Read Mark 6:30-44 Consider - Where is my secluded place? How can I purposefully retreat to my secluded place today? How is my time divided between serving inside the church compared to serving outside the church to draw people to Jesus? What problem am I trying to spend money over service?  What is an ability or resource I have that God can use today? What effort am I working on alone rather than asking for His blessing?

Day 3 Read Mark 6:45-56 Consider - When can I pray undisturbed today? Where is my praying "mountain"? Who needs reminding of Jesus in their struggle today? With whom can I share "Take courage" today? What do I need to carry to Jesus today?

Day 4  Read Mark 7:1-8 Consider - What rituals do my religious tradition hold that I place too much emphasis? What do I learn about how I should respond to critics based on how Jesus responded to scribes and Pharisees?

Have a great week!  Blessings,  Nancy


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