HE said what???

“The LORD said to [a spirit of host of heaven], ‘How?’ And [spirit] said, ‘I will go out and be a deceiving spirit in the mouth of all [Ahab’s] prophets.’ Then HE said, ‘You are to entice [Ahab] and also prevail.  Go and do so.’” – 1 Kings 22:22, NAS

When I open the pages of my Bible each morning -  after snoozing the alarm twice, shuffling to the kitchen and preparing two cups of hot tea – I first pray then read the day’s passage.  Often my interest is piqued and I’m eager to dig into what I think may be God’s message.  And then there are days I pray, read the day’s passage and think,


Such is the case with the 1 Kings passage above from this morning’s reading.  Kind reader, if you are engaged in systematic bible study and happen upon a weird, difficult or hard passage; hear this message.


Regardless of your football affinity, if you live in the state of Alabama, undoubtedly you have heard Coach Nick Saban, head football coach at the University of Alabama, say these words.  His message to his players, coaches, media and fans is not to focus on the results of the game but focus on each step of the process.  Remembering the fundamentals taught and executing them precisely will yield positive results.  And so it goes with Bible study.


The process in personal Bible study that I was taught involves answering three questions 1) What does the passage say? 2) What does the passage mean? And 3) What does the passage mean to me?  So regardless of my feelings about a passage I pray, read and follow this three-step process. 


What was the insight in 1 Kings 22:22? Today a colleague received an email from an underperforming student currently failing her class.  The student objected to a standard set forth from the beginning of the course and emailed the professor because the student received a poor grade on an assignment.  The email stated, “This [standard] doesn’t seem right to me.” But here’s the problem.  The student does not set the standard.  Class standards are established by the professor and are exercised no matter the feelings of the student. 

I do not have to understand God’s ways.  If HE wants to use deceptive counsel to accomplish HIS plan then who am I to question.  I remember what GOD spoke to Job,

Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth?  Tell ME, if you have understanding, who set its measurements? Since you know.” – Job 38:4-5

GOD is even gracious enough to explain that His ways are not my ways nor are His thoughts my thoughts (Isaiah 55:8). However, I can learn about God’s ways through the study of His word.  And this “weird” verse, taken on its own it sounds strange and confusing.  However, studied in context, meaning with its neighboring verses, it makes sense what God is saying and doing.

Has a passage stumped you?  I’d love to hear.  In the meantime, …
Keep studying systematically.
            Trust the Process.
                        Ask God to help you understand.

Blessings, Nancy


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