Recipe for Radical Change (Part 3 of 3)

“Come, see a man who told me all that I ever did. Can this be the Christ?” They went out of the town and were coming to him. – John 4:29-30, ESV

This is the 3rd and final post in the Recipe for Radical Change   series.  In Part 1 (John 4:27), scripture showed us that Jesus is waiting to speak to us privately, personally and passionately; if only we would acknowledge and engage with Him.  In Part 2 (John 4:28), scripture showed us that hearing a word from Jesus may require us to adjust our plan. In Part 3, scripture teaches us that when Jesus speaks we need to announce his word to others.

Recently I had lunch with a girl, “Leslie”, whom I’ve known for approximately 20 years.  I KNEW Leslie because we regularly attended the same church.  She sat with her family generally in the same location as I sat with my friends or family in another location.  For 20 years, I’ve known…her name.  I’ve known…. where she was on Sunday morning.  I’ve known people well who knew her or her family well.  However, until I had lunch with Leslie I did not actually know her. 

Friends, it was a special lunch.  Until I spent time privately with Leslie I had no idea how many common interests, beliefs and experiences we shared. In the process of making these personal connections the scheduled one-hour lunch extended beyond the time intended.  As soon as we parted, I immediately called my husband to announce, “I’ve made a new friend today; like one of the Anne of Green Gables ‘bosom friends’!”[If you’ve not seen the 8-hour mini-series of Anne of Green Gables it’s a family must see. End of commercial.]

And that’s exactly what the Samaritan Woman did.  When Jesus revealed His knowledge of her PERSONALLY, she went to find others to tell. How incredibly encouraging that she did not “grow up in church”, does not have a seminary degree, no evangelism training and hasn’t been soaking the teaching of an outstanding preacher; yet when she told others about her encounter with Jesus others came to Him. Her message was not from intellectual knowledge but from a PERSONAL, PRIVATE AND PASSIONATE encounter with Jesus Christ Himself. 

What has jesus done that you can’t wait to tell someone else?

Friends, if you’ve not experienced a mighty personal word or experience from Jesus since the day you invited Him to be your Savior, then SPEND TIME WITH HIM THROUGH THE PAGES OF HIS WORD.  Oh and when you do, one day that scheduled 20-minute personal Bible study is going to go way past the deadline and you’re going to be so thrilled; you’ve got to announce his word to others.

That’s called EVANGELISM.

I’m exhausted.  I have 3 school-age sons, a part-time job and help teach a Sunday school class. I’d love a pedicure, a Groupon facial, and & time to hunt for a new outfit or trinket for my house, but those “fun” things are only temporary.  I experience change EVERY MORNING when I get up to sit at His feet. 

You, too, will experience Radical Change no matter your life stage or age by
Acknowledging Jesus daily
Adjusting your plans to His vision
Announcing what He’s doing to people in your circle. 

Blessings, Nancy


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